The Most Powerful Energy Therapeutic Holistic System

The Cosmoenergy Healing Centre is moving beyond the sphere of traditional spiritual teaching into the sphere of whole body mind and spirit transformation of any individual.

The Cosmoenergy Healing Centre is a Centre of accelerated personal and spiritual progression that provides affordable healing and practical mind altering workshop experiences using the latest cutting-edge discoveries in Mind Science and Consciousness Technologies that gives you tools for self-mastery, uncovering your life’s purpose, activating your higher senses and creating miracles in your daily life.

Through our healing programmes, initiations, empowerments, activations and attunements you have the ability to KNOW THYSELF, HEAL THYSELF and proceed on to HEAL THE WORLD

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Cosmoenergy Helps With:

  • - Enlarging, cleaning, and healing the aura
  • - Balancing chakras
  • - Removal of negative energies, curses, spell, black magic
  • - Emotional problems like;
  • - Managing anger, jealousy, grief, guilt
  • - Finding your life purpose
  • - Strengthening the immune system
  • - Sleeping problems
  • - Addictions
  • - Weight imbalances
  • - Cleaning DNA
  • - Karmic problems
  • - Reducing stress
  • - Cell renewal
  • - Energetic reasons for physical health problems
  • - Childhood traumas
  • - All types of physical issues.

After a free consultation and a body/spirit/mind energy diagnosis with the individual client, we will set up a schedule for sessions.

Cosmoenergy training is available to anyone wishing to improve their health and relationships, find their path in life, and help others do the same.

The Cosmoenergy practitioner channels pure higher consciousness energyfor HOLISTIC WELLBEING.

Sessions take place while standing, as the entire human energy system is arranged vertically if you can’t stand, you can sit down and even lie down.

Energy channels are very simple and functional. If these structures are not used, the brain destroys such connections to save the body's resources.

The Quantum Life Activation is the first step on the path of Self-Mastery and Knowing Thyself! It is a vital part of becoming whole and understanding your spiritual heritage.

Deus Gladio

Progressor Cosmic Energy Healer info@cosmoenergyhealing

'for the healing of people as well as humanity as a whole in their transition to a state of peace and harmony'

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Book Your Free Intuitive Consultation Now

Cosmoenergy is an ancient therapeutic method based on the use of so-called cosmic “energy-information” fields - “cosmic channels” with healing properties.

Book your free intuitive consultation now
