About Us

The Cosmoenergy Healing Centre gives you the tools to accelerate your personal and spiritual progression and enabled you to master your lives and re-unite with your spirit nature. It is a process of remembering that we always were in union with the divine, we just forgot about it.

The Cosmoenergy Healing Centre offers us the gift, the tools and the processes of remembering. Learning to manifest your desires for the highest good can help you on your spiritual path to ascension and also empowers you on the physical plane as well. Learning to connect first and foremost with yourself, making peace with the world around you, and work with your higher self, Angels and your guides keeps you in track and accelerates your spiritual progression so you can complete your life’s purpose on this earth.

In order to do that you need to go through the ‘PATHWAY OF ASCENSION’ described below and empower yourself so you can manifest abundance, great relationships, success, harmony and more by improving your life and raising your vibration for spiritual ascension.


The mission is the Help You Remember who you really are by Healing your mental, spiritual, physical and metaphysical dis-ease, problems and end your suffering.


The Cosmoenergy Healing Centre core beliefs are that with our birth into the three dimensional reality we have all experienced separation and everyone through life is having to undergo a process of spiritual learning and evolution. Through this learning we have the chance to gain greater self-mastery and we reunite with our spiritual source and lineage