Features Of Energy Channels

Features of energy channels:

Energy channels are very simple and functional. If these structures are not used, the brain destroys such connections to save the body's resources. And vice versa, if a person opens channels, works with him, the brain turns on the desired channel on its own or lays it in the structure of the body. Energy channels can be turned on, off, opened, closed. All control is by consciousness, by the power of thought.

Types of energy channels

I highlight the following energy channels:
Information channels.

Energy flows through them, which completely imprints the state of the diagnosed object! I process this energy, a person receives the true state of the object. The color of these channels is purple.

Healing channels.

Structures through which the life energy of the desired frequency range passes. Energy can correct the state of the organ with which the work is being done. There can be many healing channels because each organ has its own frequency, and in order to bring energy out of the healer's body, a channel of a special frequency is needed into the patient's body. The energy of one characteristic and color cannot go through the channels of another color. Each frequency in the structure of the healer has its own channel. The primary colors of the healing channels are green and red. But in fact, it's all the colors of the rainbow.

Energy or power.

Pure energy flows through such channels. Light white color, is a compressed version of all 7 colors of energies. Can be transformed into any other type of energy. Such are the channels of the energies of the Elements and the Family.

Buddhist Channels


This is a beneficial universal energy. It never hurts, even the severely ill. It heals and resolves everything, but slowly. Under the influence of the channel, the therapist can intervene practically in any disease, in any organ or part of the body, to release objects and spaces from negative energy, to charge water, and to resuscitate people from faint and coma. It strengthens the immune system; it rejuvenates, and heals the lungs. Its regular use does not allow the development of diseases in progress, the energy of this channel suppresses the cause of the disease at the subtle level (removes the cause). This is especially true for the treatment of seriously ill patients and the elderly.


The Firast channel helps:

  • Thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, hearing disorders and all ear-nose-throat diseases
  • Headaches and joint pain
  • Toothache, cavities in the teeth, caries, stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Enuresis
  • Exemption from external energy impacts, weaving, magic, curse, damage etc.
  • Cleaning of objects (products, goods, cars etc.) and premises (offices, apartments, houses, land)
  • Charging water or salt or cleaning them in order to charge them with other channels afterwards
  • Cleanses, removes lack of concentration, confusion and loss
  • Removes energy parasites
  • It eliminates the state of mental disorder caused by hypnosis and submissions
  • It should be definitely opened when there is suffering, anger, despair, excessive anxiety, hatred, irritation, envy (removes dangerous enticing entities)
  • Restores the lotus
  • Enhances the flow of information
  • Restores and strengthens the field, cleanses energy meridians, rejuvenates the body
  • Main channel for starting energy centers
  • Heals intestinal flora

Shaon is one of the main impact channels we use in our full treatment session. Its name means "ancient Egyptian sand". The characteristic of the frequency is that it breaks. It is used together with Firast in 95% of diseases. Shaon breaks and cleans above the third energy center, while beneath the third energy center breaks cleanses and heals.


Exercises gentle action. It cures all diseases of the blood by regulating its composition. It balances the percentage of white blood cells in the blood. It cures spleen, diabetes, hepatitis, anemia, herpes and the aftermath of radioactivity, wounds, cuts, birth vessels or injuries, chronic bleeding from hemorrhoids, ulcers or ulcers nose bleeds and excessive bleeding during the period. Strengthens the weak immune system and function, destroys harmful antigens and balances endocrine functions. Helps cure AIDS, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction and depression.


It has an impact effect. It cures all diseases of the blood by regulating its composition. It balances the percentage of white blood cells in the blood and the functions of the endocrine system. It cures spleen, diabetes, hepatitis, anemia and the consequences of radioactive submission. Helps in the treatment of AIDS and similar diseases. It removes necrotic bindings, rejuvenates and relieves fatigue. It soothes tension and exacerbates excitement, leads to balance, it has a chilling, diuretic effect, cures Botkin's disease and inflammation of the renal pelvis. Helps with intoxication and alcohol intoxication. Improves intestinal motility. Heals wounds, burns, frostbite. Allergy. Carcinoma of the cornea. Tripartite nerve inflammation. Helps heal boneS.


Works with alcohol dependence, strengthens the will and increases the power of the spirit. Rejuvenates and tightens facial skin, helps in healing scars. Removes psychological blocks. It helps to restore the vestibular system (dizziness, nausea during movement, tinnitus). It facilitates the treatment of viral infections, erysipelas, swelling (bags under the eyes).


It is an ancient, percussive, Buddhist channel. It cures heart diseases, influenza and allergies. It gives information on damages, curses, negative developments in past lives, tips on how to change. 15 We use it to remove necrotic bindings, heart damage, death-spells, family and personal curses. It charges water and salt.


It is an impact channel. It is used to treat chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, gambling addiction, soothes and stops the delirium of the addict's crisis. It works only if the patient wants to cure his addiction (it does not work against ones wishes). It can also be used to deal with less 'dangerous' addictions e.g. sugar addiction, lack of food moderation, and special cases according to our judgment (ideally we get help from information channels) e.g. stubborn people. It restores the nervous system, cleanses the blood and lymph, restores metabolism, relieves toxicity, releases karmic 16 joints, removes inferior bonds and strengthens will. It can be used in patients who are addicted to medicines.


It is a divine, shocking channel. It enhances the frequency of Holy Moses. It is used to treat kidney, liver, whole gastrointestinal tract diseases and stomach cancer (infectious diseases, poisoning, dysentery, cholera, etc.). It charges salt and water


It is a "kind" channel that frames the human. It is used for all eye diseases, skin diseases, gangrene, vitiligo, fungi, hair, allergies and pneumonia inflammations. It cures all eye diseases except those for which surgery has been preceded. It charges water and salt.


It cures all eye diseases and has very good therapeutic effects on cataracts. It is complementary to the Surii-Sanlai Channel in terms of eye intervention and has a stronger effect. It is also used with the eye-to-eye technique along with the Holy Mohammed channel, only for severe and painful exacerbations that have occurred in the treatment of eye diseases. It is used to treat rhinopharyngeal diseases and in people with severe rhinitis. It works well on the eyes even after surgery.


It treats hernias, scars, joints, fractures in the hands, stomach ailments (stomach and duodenal ulcer), including tumors of the digestive tract (liver, gall bladder, intestine) and generally cancer all over the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for charging water and salt.


It cures colds, all diseases of the joints and throat, regulates blood pressure (in cases of hypotension, hypertension, neurophysic dystonia) and reduces temperature (in febrile condition)


Cures diseases of the respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi), liver, kidneys and stomach, including stomach cancer. Charges salt and water. The frequency is mild. It is complementary to Risur.


It cures all kinds of allergic diseases, scarring wounds, dissolves warts, liposomes, eliminates unwanted hair growth, cures hair loss and harmonizes the hormonal axis. It is also used in the painful exacerbations that may occur after treatment of ophthalmic diseases.


Sinrach is applied to women 's rejuvenation, balancing the hormonal axis, rolling out and removing wrinkles and improving the texture of the skin. The corresponding Sinlach men's channel is used for men's rejuvenation, balancing the hormonal axis, smoothing and removing wrinkles, stretching the skin and enhancing men's ability. They are used for charging salt, water and creams applied to the skin.


It is an impact channel. It is used in the treatment of influenza, colds and meningitis. Charges salt and water.


The channel acts like a real chiropractor. It is used to treat scoliosis, salt deposition, allergic and infectious polyarthritis as well as to correct posture. It helps in the disappearance of the spine hernias. It helps in the treatment of sciatica. It relieves inflammation of the damaged meniscus. We do not cure footage with this channel. It charges water and salt

Magick Channels


Its use is very specific and it is practically useful in the cleaning of the energy centers (chakras). It also enhances the impact of other channels. It is a powerful cleaning channel. It restores the function of the energy centers, cleanses the head of energy dirt, cures diseases of the Central Nervous System and the psyche.


It is the connection to the Earth's information field; it works with the occasional field. Provides planetary information. Specifies up to 90% of all information at our level. It helps to cleanse and enlarge consciousness. It activates the operation of the higher energy centers. It helps in looking for and finding forgotten or lost objects and people (but does not affect people against their will - that is, it does not bring people who do not wish to return but only those who are truly lost). It removes interference with the bio-location process. It also organizes meetings for those who wish to get in touch. It helps when travelling.


Midi is the planetary frequency of the spirits of nature, Hektas is the cosmic. They work well together. On a planetary level, Midi is the main frequency with which we work, and Hektas the auxiliary. It is a powerful information channel. Cleans and removes any obstacle or interference in receiving information. The channel provides any information to the Cosmic Energy Healer. It broadens and deepens the consciousness and contributes to the development and cultivation of creative skills and abilities

1st Magic:

Not compatible with Buddhist channels. Only compatible with the Channel Anael. It is used to cleanse from spells (returns their effects to their source), harmonizes emotional state, removes stress, discomfort and tension, corrects the behavior of both the therapist and the person to whom it is applied. For example, in everyday situations, we can almost instantly change a person's emotional state to the exact opposite (a gloomy person with a bad mood can turn happy within 15’). It cleans the field extremely well from lower vibration actions. Works perfectly to remove inferior bonds (burns them). Works on removing damage, coding, weaving, curse, etc. It restores energy in space.


It belongs to the Magic Channels and its simultaneous use with the Buddhist is incompatible. It is the frequency of love. It has no therapeutic effect. It carries the energy of love, creativity and goodness. It is applied to both the therapist and others. Works without contact. 12 It is used in aggressive and non-aggressive individuals in order to remove tension and harmonize the internal situation. It reduces the level of fear, anxiety and aggression. It can be used in emergencies outside of treatment to calm down to avoid wrinkles and strife. A drunken wife is puffing, we are directing Anael’s energy on him and he is sleeping briefly and quietly.

Golden Pyramid:

The Golden Pyramid belongs to the Magic Channels but is compatible with the Buddhist Channels. It can be used both alone and in combination with the therapeutic channels during the general therapeutic session we know. The Golden Pyramid "floats" in the universe. It's a whole city. The base of the pyramid is foggy (the gravitational field of the city). From its base comes a large, transparent, bright, golden beam, which can be any size depending on where it will be applied. When opened correctly, the Healer should see the Golden Pyramid from all four sides


They have a lot in common (e.g. both clear stress and depression), but they work in different ways. We must first determine the percentage of each energy in the person with whom we intend to work. Agni is the male energy (+), it is the cosmic frequency of fire. Hum is the female energy (-), it is an earth frequency.


The channel of the flying yogis. It is applied to develop the ability to swing, to affect very ill patients and to treat stroke. It immediately treats those who are bedridden. Removes necrotic bindings. Cleans the energy field. It gives a sense of lightness, facilitates the general situation when other channels do not help or work slowly. It has good application in recent stroke, post-traumatic conditions, fatigue, painful legs, avitaminosis and metabolism. It helps in the purification of blood and in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Applies to mental illnesses. It resurrects from dizziness and helps in the treatment of the vestibular system.


The Hecate channel brings earthy, feminine energy. It is compatible with the Buddhist healing channels. The channel is used for breast augmentation, breast correction and for any breast diseases. It is forbidden to apply the channel to the breasts when there is mammary gland disease or even suspicion of the disease


The channel of astral travels during sleep. It restores the harmony of the soul and body. Removes death damages and restores aura. It works with general problems and karmic (inherited) illnesses. It harmonizes interpersonal relationships.


It helps in the treatment of cerebral palsy, schizophrenia and psychosis. Removes the aggravation of nervous and mental illnesses of the autumn-spring period and full moon days. It helps with bipolar and depressive disorders, chronic insomnia, panic attacks, relieves emotional and mental stress indirectly and improves interaction with the environment.


It is the only channel used for the treatment of plants and animals. It cures enteritis and plague in sheepdogs, but not in bulldogs.


It is used as an anesthetic in blows, bruises, wounds, toothache, etc. It does not constitute a therapeutic channel but only provokes temporary anesthesia. It cannot eliminate the cause of the pain. It does not heal wounds nor the gout. It should not be used during pregnancy or childbirth, as well as in acute inflammatory conditions, with frequent recurring pain, etc


It is a powerful, earth-cleansing channel with soothing female energy. It picks up energy dirt, gets rid of evil eye, magic (returns negative energy to its creator) and removes contact with lower energy worlds. It is used to treat severely ill patients and patients with aggressive and intractable behavior due to mental disorder. It harmonizes the internal situation, removes aggression, stress and anger and corrects behavior (the latter process can be done in conjunction with the Anael channel).


It powerfully cleanses from negative energy merchandise and objects and charges them with pure energy.


This channel accelerates the transfer of accumulations of a person's good onto his karmic body (that is, it transfers all the positive information from the etheric, astral, and mental body to the causal body to "compensate" for the negative and help cure the disease).


It regulates weight, regulates the hormone system and at the same time revitalizes and tightens the skin. It restores the endocrine system. It heals the thyroid gland. Relieves emotional stress. Helps in the treatment of function of the genital organs. As for the CNS, it helps in psychomotor retardation and autism. It helps children to adapt to new social groups.


It is used in the cleansing and startup of the energy centers. It has a very strong vibration.


It is used as a shock channel for the local elimination of heavy dark masses. We do not develop it as an independent practice. We use it only within the full healing regimen.


It is used in rare cases - usually when working with other (softer) channels has failed to produce the desired results and when the Healer has received clear information to use it


Protects the Cosmo Energy Healer from harmful or malicious influence. It is never used for treatment. It works to defend the healer and/or punish the attacker (with physical or moral damage e.g. envy, slander, ruthlessness, partiality, revenge, etc.


A relatively new frequency. Its main use is in agriculture, against the beetles and lizards of the Colorado potato, as well as against the fungal mold. Colorado potato lice and beetles leave the farm under the influence of frequency.

Magister Channels

Magister Channels are universal high-frequency codes. Each Channel Block contains many frequencies and incorporates a wide range of different energies within it. The level of the Magisters is actually the level of the planetary magician. The Magister receives cosmic name – an identity for the superior subliminal universal levels. His energy field is boosted significantly.


Space information frequencies. They provide any information about the knowledge of space and the parallel worlds. Miluti provides Earth information while the Sirius planetary.


Finnish channel. Ensures overprotection, provides the development of intuition, insight and contact with parallel worlds.


Ancient Polynesian Channel. Ensures overprotection, development of intuition and contact with parallel worlds.


Karelian-Finnish channel. Ensures overprotection, development of intuition and contact with parallel worlds.


Protection channel of Magisters.


Ancient Lahan channel. It is used for protection as well as against black entities which work against the Magister. It acts against the magicians who work in the astral plane, in case they become “black” and move against the Magister.


An ancient Indian channel which is used to protect against forces of inferior evil levels. It works against cancer up to 4th grade.


An ancient Hittite channel. It is used in parallel worlds to protect and unblock, weaken the aggressive being, and against magical and hostile actions. It is applied until the complete elimination of hostile influence or energy. It treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


God of the ancient Slavs, the Pagan God of Fire. It is applied for protection and attack on earth and space. It is used for powerful purification from active substances, burns anything unnecessary in the aura, protects, and is applied to exorcism. It contributes to the treatment of respiratory diseases.


The channel of astral travels during sleep. It restores the harmony of the soul and body. Removes death damages and restores aura. It works with general problems and karmic (inherited) illnesses. It harmonizes interpersonal relationships.


Chinese channel, similar to the magical channel Do but much stronger. It provides access to cosmic levels and transportation to parallel worlds. It helps in the treatment of mental disorders (hysteria, psychosis, schizophrenia, depression, etc.) and eliminates stress.


Channel of super-love and harmony. It affects adaptation and direction to the opposite sex. It aggravates aggression, stress and tension. It balances and attracts.


Cosmic and Planetary Channel. Used for traveling to planets and galaxies. It acts on what is related to male sexual dysfunction, diseases of the prostate and urinary tract diseases.


Healing Channel


Ecumenical channel – cleansing and healing. It is effectively applied to oncological diseases and all other conditions where other channels did not produce the desired effect.


Karelian-Finnish channel. Used for contact jam. It acts against UFOs (prevents contact with them on the physical plane). The false ones are burning. Those coming from parallel universes disappear. The channel is also used to treat depression, schizophrenia and hysteria.


The channel is used to initiate in any other channel, including those of the Magister Group. It opens on condition that the Magister has a complete and clear understanding of what he is about to do. It must be continuously enhanced until the desired result is achieved.


The cosmic channel of evil. It differs from the Ratha channel because it can be shut down and stop its impact. Incorrect use is not punished, but if it happens, the Magister must admit his mistake and compensate.


They are killer channels. They eliminate energy forms and people. Their misuse is not punishable, but if it happens, the Magister must admit his error and remedy.


This channel is insidious and ingenious. It does the person upon who it is activated to change his last decision


Ancient Indian channel – the God of Healers and Doctor of the Gods. It is used only for self-healing or the treatment of another Magister from any illness.


According to Vedic mythology, he is the leader of the inferior gods, the god of the atmosphere, the storms, the rain, the battle, the most powerful enemy of the demonic powers. It is used for protection against evil forces.


Hindu channel. It applies to cleansing from sorcery, it cleanses the cardiovascular system, it helps to improve memory, intelligence and creativity, it pushes to knowledge and the arts and it develops the brain’s potential.


It’s an ancient pagan channel. Pan – God of the feast and the fun – is jester and teaser. It acts either on earth or in space. It gives the opportunity to win in any dispute, in buying and selling, and in court.

Hutta Block

The main difference between Hutta Block and all the previous ones is its uniqueness on the planetary level. If the Magister’s actions belong to higher-order planetary frequencies, then Hutta is unique and has no limits on physical application.


As this block develops, a transition is made to the indigo consciousness, that is, the ability to perceive information directly and immediately. Such a function is beyond the limits of common sense. In order for the frequencies to open, the expansion of awareness is needed. The common perceptual functions that relate to here and now, governed by the left cerebral hemisphere and make use of the lower Manas associated with the Kama body, are not sufficient. The development of Hutta is the final stage in the evolution of the Cosmic Energy Healer’s consciousness. From this point on, his energy matrix is by no means limited to our world, it operates and expands beyond any constraint. Hutta’s energies profoundly correct the human subconscious programs built into the current incarnation as well as the programs derived from the collective unconscious. Hutta almost completely rebuilds the patient’s consciousness and removes the causes of the disease from him.

Simply put, the Cosmic Energy Healer who practices Hutta is integrated into the universal matrix and has unimaginable possibilities in our dimension. Our consciousness is completely immersed in the material world and is subject to restrictions. The complete awakening of the Manasic principle is the most complete experience one can have in the current phase of the human evolution of the 5th race. Obstacles in the development of Hutta may be incorrect subconscious programs, ancestral and acquired, inner aggression, as well as physical or conscious obstacles. In this case, the Cosmic Energy Healer may experience internal discomfort, lack of strength during the adaptation and weakness. Many of these symptoms frighten the practitioner and discourage him or make him stop working with Hutta. In general, Hutta is a radical method, once it opens it does not stop until the work is done. However, in some cases, its function may be postponed until the Cosmic Energy Healer is competent enough to handle it.

On the other hand, once overcoming these difficulties, the Cosmic Energy Healer feels an extraordinary explosion of power and the opening of new horizons. Hutta gives the Healer enormous advantages with the way it is implemented. The activation of the lattice allows frequencies to be opened in the 3D space in any visualized frame, to transfer the work to another dimensional space, and all are controlled by the matrix itself. Working with the Block Hutta, of course, is not the only way. Clearly there have been, and there are, other means of perfecting the human consciousness in order to achieve self-awareness and complete integration into the Source of Creation. Hutta has been given to our culture as a great gift, but unfortunately it has not been appreciated yet. To the dominant consciousness of people of the current phase of Kali Yuga, Hutta seems like an inaccessible peak and perhaps only the future generation will be able to use it.