Quantum Life Activation

The Quantum Life Activation is the first step on the path of Self-Mastery and Knowing Thyself! It is a vital part of becoming whole and understanding your spiritual heritage. Reclaiming your power as a co-creator is best gift you can give to yourself and your soul.

The most important step you will ever make. Activate your DNA and align with your Life Purpose. Your Divine blueprint is who you are – physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. Imagine how much more you can accomplish by tapping into this potential.

Benefits Of This Session Include:

increased intuition, opening the mind to new ideas, strengthened immune system, more energy and clarity. The Divine Blueprint Activation awakens and heightens your connection with your Higher Self. It also enables you to bring in and hold more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents and abilities, and gives you more energy and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns. You will develop better and clearer access to the true knowledge of who you are, Reclaim our power and accelerate your spiritual progression and ascension to higher realms.

What to expect during the Divine Blueprint Activation:

This is an alchemical process using different spiritual initiations and attunements to help you connect fully with the 4 elements, lower and upper chakras and create your spiritual vehicle, the Merkabah which will be installed in your auric field. It will raise your vibrations for the purpose of spiritual and physical transformation. There are 4 parts to this session.

1st Stage: Preparation

During the preparation you will be put into a relaxing state of being where we will invoke a protective circle around you and invoke your spirit guides, higher self and Angels. You will get in touch with your Angels and Archangels to oversee the whole process, bring healing messages and attunements to assist you with your spiritual and physical progression. This is the first step of preparation so your aura and physical body can receive the Divine Blueprint Activation.

2nd Stage: Cleanse, Balance And Strengthen

During this stage we will cleanse, balance and strengthen the physical and spiritual body from every imbalance, negativity, ill-wish and energetic imbalances. This will happen with the help of ancient sacred rune chants, sound healing, divine symbols but also through chakra balancing.

  • Lower and upper Chakra Opening: opening you up to a complete flow of light
  • Meridian Balancing: a sacred rune transmission ceremony that will balance, realign and awake your spiritual gifts.
  • Central Core Alignment and spiritual vehicle creation, the Merkabah will be installed in your auric field.
  • A powerful egyptian protective symbol will be also installed within your auric field to offer physical, mental and spiritual protection but also to help you master your dreams.

3rd Stage: Preparation

The Divine Blueprint Activation. This is achieved through ancient symbols and attunements from Egyptian and Vedic traditions. A variety of Gods/Goddesses will be invoked to heal the spiritual body, the heart/love centre and remove what no longer serves you. It will be a great light infusion into your spiritual and physical body that will accelerate your spiritual ascension by clearing up anything that needs to be cleared, move you quickly and effectively through blocks, release you from negative thought patterns and areas of weakness, to assist you in achieving better lifestyle, work and personal choices, to regain control of your life and step up into your power.

4th Stage: Preparation

The Divine Blueprint Reading. A powerful reading based on information received during the 3 previous stages. It will give you messages from your spirit guides, connect your with your archangels, provide you with insight from both a physical body perspective as well as your spiritual evolution.

  • Help you accelerate your physical evolution and spiritual ascension
  • Realigns you to your Life Purpose
  • Awaken the life-force to make better life choices
  • Help you reduce stress and depression
  • Maximises your energy and mental levels
  • Strengthen Your connection and outlook to life
  • Remove inhibitions and negative life limitations that hindering your connection to people, places and relationships
  • Connecting with an abundance and prosperity flow
  • Helps you manifest that which you truly desire and anchors it into the physical

Bring balance to all areas of life by releasing of what no longer serves you


This is a two day (intensive) instructional and practical course that gives you the knowledge of your spiritual lineage and helps your realise who you are in the world. At the same time it teaches you important tools to reclaim your power, accelerate your spiritual progression and physical development in a balanced way. You will realise how negativity can affect you and how you can protect yourself and raise your energy so you can be the creator of your life and put aside any negative belief or conditioning from this 3rd dimensional world. You will be enabled to create a spiritual tool-kit that will help you protect, shield and create a life of wonder and awe. It will help you understand how to direct your thought into achieving and creating small miracles, transmuting emotions and entering willingly in an alternate state of consciousness.

Break down of 2-day course

These tools allow you to boost your energetic vibration and will ensure that you have a stronger emotional capacity to face life’s challenges. You will have the ability to move through obstacles at a faster rate and move on to reaching your dreams and goals.

Day 1 Topics Covered

  • Morning Meditation to clear the mind and stay in the present moment - Eufeeling
  • Your inner spiritual Journey
  • Quantum life Spiritual Cosmology
  • Quantum physics laws
  • Kymbalion laws
  • 1st manifestation technique - I am the Mind
  • The structure of Reality
  • Meditation
  • The spiritual Hierarchy - Dimensions of Light
  • Dimensional Travel Meditation
  • Higher Self Meditation
  • Manifestation Ritual - Middle Pillar
  • Power and beauty of Ritual
  • Empowering and creating power objects

Day 2 Topics Covered

  • Higher Self Meditation
  • Body pendulum activation
  • Ascended Masters
  • How dis-ease is created
  • The structure of the human energy system : Aura, Chakra, & Etheric Body
  • The cycle of Human processes - The power of thought - Powerful affirmation
  • Upper chakras explanation and meditation
  • Activating your light body vehicle - Merkabah
  • Merkabah Manifestation
  • Protection ritual
  • Handing down ritual to eliminate negative thoughts and energy
  • Aligning to your true purpose - initiation ritual