HEAL WITH Antonis (Deus Gladio)


Free Intuitive Diagnosis

Free Consultation

Book Your Cosmoenergy Healing



Duration 1 hour

Investment - £30

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Duration 1 hour

Investment - £120

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Duration 1 hour

Investment - £240

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After a free consultation and a body/spirit/mind energy diagnosis with the individual client, we will set up a schedule for sessions. The intuitive diagnosis will help us map what is the source of the problem, how it begun and what needs to be solved.


Physical, mental, spiritual & metaphysical clearance for any problem, rebalancing and activation

Investment - £30

Half cycle of physical, mental, spiritual & metaphysical clearance for any problem plus full body mind & spirit alignment and activation

Investment - £120

Full cycle of physical, mental, spiritual & metaphysical clearance for all problems and persistent conditions plus full body mind & spirit alignment and activation, karma and ancestral clearance

Investment - £240
There will be 12 sessions spread over 5-6 weeks, each session is 45 min to one hour depending on client. It is highly recommended to fulfil 12 sessions (one cycle) or the treatment will not have its full effect. Depending on the level and nature of the problem additional cycles may be advised.
You can observe change in yourself even after 2 sessions. As the sessions progress you will start realising a change in your body, thoughts, attitudes, habits, health and yourself. The sessions will be hold face to face, remotely or via video chat.
When one cycle (12 sessions) is finished the patient takes a medical leave for at least 2-3 weeks and can return again for a new cycle. Cancelation of a session is 48 hours prior due. Please note, that if You are currently visiting a physician and taking medicine, please continue with it, since it will not effect in any way your treatment with us

Cosmoenergy Helps With:

  • Enlarging, cleaning, and healing the aura,
  • Balancing chakras,
  • Removal of negative energies, curses, spell, black magic,
  • Emotional problems like;
  • Managing anger, jealousy, grief, guilt,
  • Finding your life purpose,
  • Strengthening the immune system,
  • Sleeping problems,
  • Addictions,
  • Weight imbalances,
  • Cleaning DNA,
  • Karmic problems,
  • Reducing stress,
  • Cell renewal,
  • Energetic reasons for physical health problems,
  • Childhood traumas,
  • All types of physical issues.


My Mission is to help you to get the energy and clearance you need in your life. If you suffer of health condition, depression or negativity in your life, the Cosmoenergy Centre can help you and do so much more. I offer psychic medium readings and Cosmo energy healing as treatment, to cleanse and restore your chakras and aura in your bio-field. Please note, that Cosmo Energy Healing will only work if done as advised

Cosmo Energy Healing has been around for over 400 years and is an acknowledged healing method. It heals your physical and etheral body, the mind and soul. Through channeling and hands on healing, frequencies will go through your body and restore your chakras, aura and bio-field.

In order to live a happy and abundant life, we must disconnect and cleanse from prior karma and death or past life and necrotic connections. When life hits you hard and holds you back, this is the method to cleanse and restore with.

Cosmic Energy Healing protects and cleanses, it will strengthen your aura and bio-field. It can bring abundance in love, health and finances, rejuvenate and remove any negativity (witchcraft, sickness, health issues). Whatever issues you have, they can be corrected over time with healing sessions if done regular.

You can apply Cosmo Energy Healing in matters such as heart problem, arthritis, asthma and bronchitis, depression, ulcers, diabetes, gastric Issues, vision- and hearing problems, eczema and many more, so your health can improve. We can help minimize pain or solve it completely at times. Energy healing can be also used to cleanse places we live in, business or working spaces and will protect. We can charge water to cleanse from within too. Cosmo Energy can help clients with addictions to improve/support their current condition

What happens during the Healing Session:

Sessions take place while standing, as the entire human energy system is arranged vertically if you can’t stand, you can sit down and even lie down). The client stands in a relaxed state with his eyes closed, the Cosmoenergy specialist opens channels for him and works with him. The session is held with closed eyes. With a large number of negative energy in the aura at the first session, once the client may feel unwell—this is a good sign, which means that the energy is cleared.


Using the terminology of the Eastern medicine, the physical and spiritual healing and development of a person with the method of Cosmoenergy happens in the following way: During the Cosmoenergy healing session, the Cosmoenergy practitioner “opens” and transmits the “channels” to the subtle body of a person (the non-physical body which overlays the physical body) while harmonizing and balancing the person’s chakras (the energy centers along the central meridian of the body which balance, store and distribute the energies of life through the physical body) and removing the blockages and negative energy that has accumulated in the person’s body. The “channels” wash over and penetrate the physical and subtle bodies and consciousnesses of the person working towards gradual dissolvement of negative energy. “Channels” are boundless and inexhaustible and possess cleansing, medicinal and protective properties. Their effect is harmless and does not cause any damage.

Gradual purification of a person’s subtle body and chakras leads to normalization of the vital energy flow in all organs of the body and improved psycho-emotional state which aids in treatment and curing of illnesses and a person’s spiritual development in a holistic and all-encompassing way. The uniqueness of this method consists of the Cosmoenergy practitioner’s ability to direct the channel in order to influence every part of the client’s body without any harm; thus, the practitioner is the conductor of pure cosmic energy, using it for complex self-healing of the person. The purpose and goal of the Cosmoenergy practitioner is not to merely ease condition for a span of time, but to help him/her find the cause of the illness to permanently get rid of the illness.

After all, according to the World Health Organization “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Cosmoenergy is harmonised with classic medicine and the other therapeutic methods complementing our knowledge about man being a hologram of the macrocosm


Cosmoenergy is not a substitute for modern medicine. It helps speed up the healing process at times. Only in individual cases can you do without drugs and doctors. They often work effectively when used together