Are you facing challenges in your health or relationships?

These 400 year old Sacred healing channels are helping 1000's of people worldwide. Are you seeking help right now, to lead a healthier and happier life? Come to our FREE ONLINE evening session and experience what Cosmoenergy Healing can do for you.

  • Easy to do: You won't believe how easy and simple it is. At the free evening you will experience some powerful transformation practices.
  • You will receive a free body spirit and mind purification session, chakra and meridian realignment
  • You will receive a free love frequency session to help you move forwards from heart/emotional blockages
'what we perceive as an illness is a warning light indicating that something is off in your multidimensional complex (physical and informational energy bodies and soul) and the disrupted homeostasis ought to be set right otherwise we will not cure'

Would you like to experience the power of Cosmoenergy Healing on the 28th April live online?

In this unique FREE workshop, you can learn about:
  • How these miraculous higher consciousness energy channels have the potential of healing the physical body from diseases accumulated over the years;
  • How these sacred channels can rejuvenate and restore human energy by removing negativity, making the human bio-field pure and dense, resistant to external influences.
  • How to purify your body, spirit and mind from the accumulated negative energies, entities, insults and irritation creates a new outlook on life, spiritual awareness, and understanding one's purpose.
  • How Cosmoenergy may assist anyone who wants to transform their life, find the meaning of life and balance karma
  • How besides treating illnesses, diseases or any other possible complaints that one may be aware of, Cosmoenergy eliminates the underlying destructive patterns, which may still be in their infancy or have not yet manifested.
  • How to experience the power of Cosmoenergy Healing sacred channels and learn how you too could be initiated into this powerful channels to yourself and your family, friends, and loved ones in a sacred way.

This training is for you if ..

  • You're looking to experience health, happiness and success in your daily life.
  • You're already doing self-improvement practices but want to get more benefit from them.
  • You're a practitioner of alternative modalities and want to add powerful ways to offer special blessings to others, in person, groups or remotely.
  • You desire to make a difference in the lives of your family, friends, loved ones, others, and also to create love, peace and harmony in your community, country and the world.
  • You truly wish to become the best that you can be, reach your highest potential in your soul, heart, mind and body, and truly serve others to experience optimal health, happiness and success.

Have you been searching for a better solution and you have tried many therapies or treatments. But you are still struggling? Come and listen to how other people also facing challenges in their health and relationships were able to transform their lives.

By the end of this FREE event you'll have discovered:

  • How easy and simple it is to experience some powerful transformation practices.
  • Receive a free body spirit and mind purification session, chakra and meridian realignment.
  • Receive a free love frequency to session to help you move forwards from heart/emotional blockages.
  • The sacred connection of the soul, heart, mind, and body, how they can be blocked, and how you can realign them to experience optimal health, well-being and happiness.
  • The power and significance of Cosmo Energy Healing Channels.
  • How Cosmoenergy can change your health, relationships, finance, business and more.
  • How you can be initiated in Cosmoenergy Healing and become a Cosmoenergy Practioner to offer healing to yourself, others, groups and remotely.

Cultures around the world are filled with stories of special beings who had incredible abilities to bring love, peace and harmony to others’ lives. They empowered others to be happier and healthier by maintaining the high frequencies and vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion and light. Many people wish to serve like these special beings.

Cosmoenergy Healing Channels are a sacred and special transmission. They activate within you an incredible ability to offer healing to yourself and others - with high frequencies of over 207 channels for every physical, mental, spiritual and metaphysical problem you may suffer and have. Cosmoenergy Healing Channels make accessible to you a universal healing frequencies powers traditionally realised for a rare few. You can then assist others (and yourself) in maintaining their health, feeling vital and whole, bringing love and light to their relationships, and more.


Cosmoenergy is not a substitute for modern medicine. It helps speed up the healing process at times. Only in individual cases can you do without drugs and doctors. They often work effectively when used together