Receive for life some of the most powerful frequencies for YOU to change and for YOU to have control over all aspects in your life.

This workshop will have three very important stages:

  • 1. Purification
  • 2. Attunement/Initiation
  • 3. Practical Workshop
(use of the channels on yourselves and others in the group)

First you will be purified by Antonis with Cosmoenergy, in preparation to receive the frequencies you choose from (2). More specifically during purification we will
  • rejuvenate and restore human energy by removing negativity, making the human bio-field pure and dense, resistant to external influences.
  • purify your body, spirit and mind from the accumulated negative energies, entities, insults and irritation creates a new outlook on life, spiritual awareness, and understanding one's purpose.
  • align you with energies that have the potential to transform your life, find the meaning of life and balance your karma
  • begin treating illnesses, diseases or any other possible complaints that one may be aware of and start a process of eliminating the underlying destructive patterns, which may still be in their infancy or have not yet manifested.
  • Body, spirit and mind purification will work on your physical, spiritual, mental and metaphysical ailments you may have, balance your energy centres and meridians and bring you peace love and calmness.

You will receive the sacred channels in your biofield and become vessels of the healing channel frequencies to call on any time you need them.

After the initiation you will learn how to open these frequencies on yourself and work with them for life on you and others.

Initiate in a small group to heal yourself. Take advantage of the group price! You will also receive a 30 minutes free diagnostic session included in the price to help you on your personal needs and goals.

Here are some examples of the frequencies you can receive: (from Buddhist and Magick channels only)

Channels You Can Receive

The frequency of love. It carries the energy of good, and creation. It balances, relieves stress, harmonizes the inner state, creates a positive impression between people. Reduces the level of anxiety, fear and aggression. It develops personal qualities such as: mercy, compassion and love. It is used to prevent and stop scandals and conflicts.


It regulates weight, regenerates the hormonal axis and at the same time rejuvenates and tightens the skin. Restores the endocrine system. Regulates the thyroid gland. Relieves emotional stress. It helps in the treatment of the function of the genitals. It helps in psychomotor retardation and autism. It helps adapt children to new social groups. It also helps regulate blood pressure and blood circulation. Restores the energy of the column. It promotes the absorption of calcium, prevents its elimination from the body. It is used as an auxiliary frequency in diseases of the digestive system (esophagus, heartburn, heartburn in general).


The frequency applies to psychosis, depressive disorders, chronic insomnia, panic attacks. It is used to treat cerebral palsy. Relieves emotional and mental stress. Eliminates depression and restores drug intoxication. Eliminates the aggravation of nervous and mental diseases in the period of autumn, spring and full moon days. It contributes to the manifestation of the individual's talents. Harmonizes personality. Helps in decision making. It is used as an auxiliary frequency when we recover a person from a large consumption of alcohol.